Kapolri: The Alkhairaat founder loves Indonesia


The chief of police, General Tito Karnavian, says that the founder of Alkhairat College, Habib Sayyid Idrus ben Salim Aljufri or known by the Old Master, loves the Indonesian nation in its diversity so that the Spirit can be maintained

"Life in Indonesia is full of religious, racial and group diversity," he said on the occasion of the founder's birthday. Alkhairaat College or Old Teacher's 50th Haul at Alkhairaat College Complex in Palu City,

In the presence of tens of thousands of "abnaulkhairaat", the Karnavian Police Chief stated that he There were a number of important agendas of the country to come, among which the implementation of the Asian Games that followed. countries of the world, annual meetings of experts and financial personalities in Bali, and tahapa He explained that all parties should be able to maintain security throughout Indonesia, without exception the police and the TNI who continue to work to maintain stability in the country.

"Only with a safe and peaceful situation so that we can build this country," he said.

He also offered to cooperate with all citizens of Alkhairaat throughout Indonesia. The cooperation kKarena was made in 2005-2007 in (19659002) Besides the chief of the police Tito Karnavian, the commander of the TNI, the marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto, attended the commemoration.

A number of abnaulkhairaat from outside Central Sulawesi attended the occasion, including the former Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Yudhoyono who is also former governor of Gorontalo two periods Fadel Muhammad and former Social Minister President SBY Salim Saggaf Aljufri.

In addition, b The chief of the region "Abnaulkhairaat" is the governor of North Maluku, Abdul Gani Kasuba, pupil of the old master, the governor of North Kalimantan Irianto Lambire and the governor of Gorontalo Rusli Habibie.

Ustadz Subkhan Lasawedi, secretary of the committee of the 50th Haulat "who comes this time, twice more than the transport in 2017, estimated at 75 000.

Publisher: Ruslan Burhani

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