Keke Dance Challenge Again Viral, Action 5 Artist C is a success that draws attention


BANGKAPOS.COM – Some time lately in social media is the viral video Keke Dance Challenge or In my feelings challenge .

As for Keke Dance Challenge is a challenge dancing from the outside of the car while following the music of Drake – In My Feelings . follow a slowly moving car not to be left behind

This challenge becomes viral as a comedian and a Shiggy programmer upload a self-proclaimed dance video imitating the pose of a car.

Shiggy Does That to Illustrate Drake's Words "Do You Ride?"

In fact, he also made a heart symbol from his hand to describe the lyrics of the song & # 39; Keke, do you like me? "

And from these downloads of Shiggy, Keke's challenge becomes viral and attracts the public's attention.

The various attractions Keke Challenge (19659005) Keke Challenge also touches artists from the Land of Water who does not want to be left out.

Some Celebrities of the Country Act Keke Dance Challenge Someone?

1. Nia Ramadhani and Jessica Iskandar

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