Kemenkominfo Block Tiktok Application


Visitors are in the outlets of a smart phone in a shopping mall, Jakarta, Wednesday (20/06/2018). – JIBI / Dwi Prasetya, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Communications and Informatics has blocked the site of Tiktok today because the site is considered to contain a lot of content negative for children.

/ 7/2018), Menkominfo Rudiantara justifies blocking Tiktok. He stated that they had also contacted Tiktok to clean up the negative content on the site.

According to him, this blockage is similar to that made to Bigo some time ago. The government closed the site and asked the parties to clean the negative content, after the negative content disappeared the government would reopen the site.

"In reality the live streaming platform as Tiktok is good for expressing creativity."

In addition, Rudiantara said that Kemenkominfo coordinated with the Ministry of Women's Protection and the child and the Indonesian Child Protection Commission concerning the closure of the Tiktok site

in Indonesia. The application offers a variety of special effects to attract short videos made by users like the effects of vibration, vibration and 3D.

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