The rule contains a ban on former corrupt detainees.
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Director General of Legal Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum-HAM), Widodo Ekatjahjana, is still reluctant to comment on the implementation of the PKPU candidate. The rule contains a ban on corrupt former prisoners.
"For the organizing friends only the question may be to KPU Bawaslu and DKPP," said Widodo via a short message to Republika.co.id Saturday (30/6).
When requested information on further coordination with KPU, Bawaslu and relevant agencies after the end of PKPU, Widodo did not give any answer. However, on Saturday afternoon, Widodo said the related parties were working on a way out of PKPU that has become controversial.
"We will continue to coordinate with KPU, Bawaslu and Kemendagri and relevant ministries and agencies, we all agree to find the best solution," he said.
The statement was the answer to the question of discussion at the meeting between Kemenkum-HAM, KPU, Bawaslu on Friday (29/6) afternoon. Widodo is also reluctant to explain the discussion in detail on Friday.
The KPU finally formally promulgated the rule of prohibiting candidate candidates of former detainees from corruption. The rules were formally applied in the candidacy of candidates for the upcoming elections of 2019.
It was confirmed by KPU Commissioner Pramono Ubaid Tanthowi on Saturday afternoon. "The settlement was announced in the KPU Network of Legal Information and Documentation (JDIH)," Pramono said in a brief message to Republika.co.id
The rule is officially became PKPU No. 20 of 2018 The members of the People's Legislative Assembly, the Provincial House of Representatives and the Council of Representatives of the Regency and Municipalities. Based on the tracking of the JDIH KPU page, the rules have been downloaded since Saturday afternoon and can be downloaded by the general public.
Pramono claimed that this PKPU can be used as a guideline in the registration of candidates from 4 July. "So the rules can already be used as guidelines and certainly applied in the 2019 elections," he said.
He added that the rule of prohibiting ex-convicts from corruption also remains in PKPU 20. "We have repeatedly baderted that the KPU has never changed on this point (the ban), "he added.
Article 7, paragraph 1, letter h, stipulates that "candidates for the election of members of the DPRD, the provincial DPRD and the DPRD shall meet the requirements of non-sentenced drug traffickers, badual crimes against children or corruption ". ! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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