Khofifah and Ganjar Temani Jokowi Santai Lantai in Makassar – VIVA


VIVA – President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana participated in a quiet march with residents of Makbadar, South Sulawesi, on Sunday, July 29, 2018. The event was titled Jalan Sehat Sahabat Rakyat Indonesia with Jokowi for Asian

Jokowi appears wearing a white T-shirt with a photo representing the logo of the 2018 Asian Games, while Iriana wears a pink shirt with a hat [19659003] A number of officials attend Jokowi on this occasion, among which Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman Social Idrus Marham and Chief of Staff President Moeldoko

Also Appear among the participants of two elected governors in elections of 2018 simultaneously, including the central Java governor Ganjar Pranowo and the governor of East Java candidate Khofifah Indar Parawansa

Jokowi and officials the country is e entered the ranks of the participants on a quiet walk and welcomed several residents. The locals immediately approach to shake hands or take pictures with the head of state.

Before starting a walk with the citizens, Jokowi advised that the activity be part of the effort to maintain unity and harmony. The Indonesian people are obliged to keep it together.

"The elections were concluded just recently, let us unite and build together the progress of the nation," said the president.

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