JAYAPURA, KOMPAS.com – A motorcycle taxi driver named Sahri (45) was shot dead by the Kriminal Armed Group (KKB) during a crossing of Kalome district, Puncak Jaya district, Wednesday (27/6/2017) to 13 : 00 WIT.
The public relations officer, Papua Police Commissioner Ahmad Mustofa Kamal, explained that the chronology of the incident began when the victim drove a PT Modern resident in Mulia district to the district of 39; Illust.
After the victim had finished delivering the pbadengers to Illu District, the victim was about to return from the direction of Illu District to the Mulia District.
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At the end of the ramp, precisely in the Illu District, the victim's engine was stopped by some people. The victim was then persecuted to death at the scene.
"So around 3:30 pm WIT, the picket members received reports from local residents that a human being was found in a state of propensity and blood known to a motorcycle driver after receiving the report directly at the scene ", Mustafa Kamal said.
Information obtained, the victim died of a bullet in the head. "Currently the body of the victim was evacuated to RSUD Mulia, to be done from the point of view," he continued.
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In addition, until now, security forces are conducting an investigation to capture the perpetrators of KKB.
"In addition to finding the victim at the scene of the incident, the member also found traces of Yamaha Jupiter used by the victim.For the authors of the KKB group, until now, he has regained his existence, "he concluded.
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