KKP describes the characteristics of the dangerous fish Arapaima gigas


Jakarta (ANTARA News) – The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) describes the different characteristics of fish Arapaima gisas the world's largest freshwater species tropical South America. "The native habitat of this species comes from the Amazon River which has a tropical climate, so its spread is in tropical climates, including Indonesia, northern Australia, Papua New Guinea. -Guinea, South America. Thus, the probability of spread in Indonesia is quite high because in principle, natural spreading can occur in areas with the same temperament as the original habitat, while the species whole Arapaima ] sp is invasive

In addition, Arapaima gigas is also a type of predatory fish that can eat almost all animals that can be swallowed, especially small fish and other animals on the surface of the water. In the pyramid of the food chain, Arapaima gigas occupies pyramidal shoots in freshwater aquatic ecosystems.

Arapaima gigas including competing fish, which means that they compete with other types of fish

Called carnivorous, the main food of fish Arapaima sp is a small fish, although sometimes fish can eat poultry, frogs or insects near the surface. water

Arapaima gigas is also known as carrying a protozoan parasite, and can injure humans, while its size can reach more than two meters with one more body weight of 200 kilograms.

proclaimed, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti, wants various parties to socialize at the center of society related to the potential of b (19459002) Arapaima sp) this should be socialized or campaign at public, many do not know what arapaima fish is and why he can not be released, "he said, some time ago.

He fears that there are several parties who keep fish Arapaima sp for hobbies.When the size is small, enthusiasts are happy.In time, they can release them in the water for many reasons, among which 39, lazy love to eat or not to bear to kill them.

Finally, the predatory fish was released in the rivers of Indonesian territory

and mbadive, predatory fish can eat local fish as well as the biota of local water and other creatures he is hungry.

For this, the Fish Quarantine Agency, the quality control and safety of CTF fish products with other parties, among which the Natural Resources Conservation Agency should capture the liberation writers and guardians of the fish. :
Publisher: Ade P Marboen

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