Known as useful, coconut water turns out to be dangerous when it is consumed by people with this condition


Known as useful, coconut water turns out to be dangerous when it is consumed by people with this condition

Known as useful, coconut water turns out to be dangerous when it is consumed by people with this condition

Grid.ID – Coconut water is known to be one of the healthiest types of drinks.

The high nutritional content makes coconut water not only fresh when taken by mouth, but also presents a myriad of health benefits.

Report of Kompas.comThere are 7 advantages to consuming coconut water, as follows.

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1. The coconut water turns out to be more nutritious than whole milk because it does not contain cholesterol and is low in fat.

2. Coconut water can improve blood circulation and is known to cleanse the digestive tract.

3. Not only will coconut water improve your immune system, but it will also help the body fight off several types of viruses that cause disease.

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4. If you have kidney stone disease, get in the habit of drinking coconut water regularly.
The habit of drinking coconut water will help break down kidney stones and help them get out of the body.

5. It is also known that coconut water can, for a long time, cure urinary disorders.
A glbad of coconut water will relieve the pain because of the difficulty in urinating.

6. If you are still stunned by the consumption of alcohol, no one can recover it quickly if it's not consuming coconut water.

7. The mild-tasting coconut water is very rich in electrolytes and potbadium.

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Potbadium can help the body regulate blood pressure and heart function.

But even though it is rich in health benefits, apparently, not everyone is recommended to drink this drink.

Some people with certain physical criteria and their state of health must not consume coconut water:

1. Renal disorders

People with kidney problems are not advised to consume a lot of coconut water.

Indeed, the high potbadium content can increase the kidneys.

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2. heart disease

Not only the kidneys, but an apparently high content of potbadium or potbadium can also harm the heart.

A cup of fresh coconut water contains about 252 mg of sodium, which can affect heart health in people already having abnormalities in the heart organ.

A high level of potbadium in the blood, also known as hyperkalemia, is usually a fairly common cause of life-threatening heart rhythm changes.

3. Diabetics

The potbadium and sugar content high enough to make it a drink is not recommended to diabetics.

Of course, this can make diabetes difficult to control and should be avoided.

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4. Patients with intestinal irritation

Apparently, coconut water has a laxative effect that can be dangerous for an irritating person.

These effects make coconut water function as a natural laxative and is not recommended.

5. People who take certain drugs

There are also people for whom it is not advisable to drink coconut water because they are following a treatment while taking certain medications.

The medications in question include ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers and some antibiotics such as penicillin.

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In fact, consumption can simultaneously increase the level of potbadium in the blood, making it dangerous for the body.

Do not forget that for those of you who meet the 5 criteria above, do not consume coconut water as it can be dangerous to your health! (*)

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