KPI stops temporarily in the morning, Trans TV – VIVA


VIVA – The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) has sanctioned the temporary termination of the "Definite Happy Morning" program at Trans TV. The program broadcast each morning should not be broadcast until three days, December 3-5, 2018.

The end of the program is based on the Central Decree on Key Performance Indicators No. 623 / K / KPI / 31.2 / 11/2018. The decree on the termination of the "Certainly a Good Morning" contract signed by ICP President Yuliandre Darwis Central on Friday, November 23, 2018, was the result of the plenary meeting of the center's ICP.

The Definite Happy Morning or P3H program violates a number of articles, including articles on privacy, child protection and youth clbadification. The decree states in detail that P3H violates Articles 9, 13, 14 (2) and 21 (1), Guidelines for Broadcasting Behavior (P3), and 9 (para 2), Article 13, paragraphs 1 and 2 .), Article 15, paragraph 1, and Article 37, paragraph 4, letter a standard broadcast program (SPS).

The form of violation referred to as negative comment content by l & # 39; host on the P3H program on September 27, 2018 and October 3, 2018 that dealt with the Kris Hatta-Hilda case.

Commissioner Dewi Setyarini, representing the central KPI, said the decision to temporarily suspend the P3H program was based on the fact that the program had been repeatedly registered in the form of a first warning in February 2018 and was A second warning in June 2018.

"In our archives, there are also a lot of public complaints about this program," said Dewi Setyarini.

According to Dewi, the central KPI followed the appropriate procedural steps, namely holding a hearing for violation, in order to seek clarification, hearing the verdict, including the possibility given to the parties Trans TV to file a letter if there are any objections to the termination.

"On the basis of the plenary session, the KPI has finally stopped the P3H program for three consecutive days from Monday to Wednesday next week," said the KPI commissioner in the field of content delivery.

Dewi hopes that the sanctions in case of temporary suspension will be a support for reflection and evaluation within the program manager of P3H or Trans TV in general, do not commit more violations so that the P3H program changes significantly for the better.

"Never again is there any charge of confidentiality, especially badociated with declaration of the host which often does not clarify the problem but rather aggravates the situation. Opening someone's disgrace can potentially create a conflict and it's a violation, especially when it's broadcast at a time when kids and teens are very likely to watch and talk about it. imitate negative behavior, "he said.

On the basis of the information contained in the letter of termination, as long as Trans TV the application of sanctions is not allowed to broadcast a similar format at the same broadcast time or at another time in accordance with Article 80 (2) of the KPS SPS in 2012.

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