KPK detains 2 judges for alleged corruption cases in South Jakarta District Court


JAKARTA, – The Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK) has arrested suspects for alleged corruption in the handling of civil cases in South Jakarta District Court.

There were two judges, namely Iswahyu Widodo and Irwan, as well as employees replacing the East Jakarta NP, Muhammad Ramadhan.

In addition, an alleged lawyer named Arif Fitrawan was also arrested.

"Detained for 20 days as follows: M Ramadan (Detention) Guntur; Irwan (Detention) Cipinang East Jakarta; Arif, (Detention Center) South Jakarta Subway Police; Iswahyu Widodo, East Jakarta Metro Police", said KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah in a statement Thursday (29/11/2018).

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Meanwhile, the private suspect in this case, Martin P Silitonga, is being held at the District Attorney's Office in South Jakarta for alleged general criminal violations.

surveillance Kompas.comThe four suspects questioned by the KPK came out gradually on Thursday morning. First, Judge Irwan from the South Jakarta District Court went out wearing a KPK prisoner vest around 00.07 WIB.

Followed by a suspicious lawyer, Arif Fitrawan, who came out with a KPK prisoner vest at 00.24 WIB.

In addition, Muhammad Ramadhan, clerk of the East Jakarta District Court, came out with a prison vest around 00:55 WIB.

Read also: Chronology of KPK OTT against South Jakarta Two Hakim PN

Finally, South Jakarta District Court Judge, Iswahyu Widodo, appeared wearing a prison vest around 1: 16am WIB.

The four were reluctant to comment on the alleged corruption case that had trapped him and immediately entered the KPK detention vehicle.

Iswahyu, Irwan and Ramadhan allegedly received bribes for the management of their civil affairs. Ramadan would be an intermediary for corruption.

According to Febri, Arif and Martin had initially planned to give 2 billion rupees to the two judges in charge of the civil case.

The case in question is a case bearing the number 262 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PN Jaksel.

The case was registered on March 26, 2018 with the parties, namely the plaintiff on behalf of Achmad Achmad and the defendant Williem J.V Dongen as well as the defendants of PT APMR and Thomas Azali.

The civil lawsuit consists of the cancellation of the PT CLMR acquisition agreement for PT CLM by the South Jakarta District Court.

"It turns out that when it was discussed with the substitute clerk, MR, actually treat– Rs 950 million. And it turns out that what the judges have done with the judges is estimated even smaller, around 650 million rupees, "said Febri.

Ramadhan was an acting clerk of the South Jakarta District Court before being transferred to the East Jakarta District Court.

He was established as a liaison officer because he was known to both judges.

The bribes were paid in rupees worth Rs 150 million and S $ 47,000. However, both judges have just received about 150 million rupees.

At the same time, the $ 47,000 that Singapore gave to the two judges via Ramadhan was confiscated by the KPK during a manual arrest operation.

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