KPK holds Cagub The winner of the North Maluku election


Ahmad Hidayat Mus became suspect in the Bobong Airport Land Acquisition Acquisition Case

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The KPK Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested the candidate to the post of governor of North Maluku Ahmad Hidayat Mus (AHM) and president of DPRD Islands Sula Zainal Mus (ZM), for the next 20 days. Both became suspects in the alleged bribery case of Bobong Airport land acquisition in the 2019 fiscal year in the Sula Islands District

"After examining the suspects in the acquisition bribery cases Bobong Airport land acquisition in APBD FY 2009 in Sula Regency, the imprisonment of AHM for the next 20 days is counted today in the KPK detention center in Kav K-4, while ZM was detained in KPK prison in Pomdam Jaya Guntur ", said Kabiro PRAS KPK, Febri. Diansyah at KPK Building Jakarta, Monday (2/7).

After undergoing an interrogation and wearing a prisoner's suit, Ahmad handed the case against him to his lawyer. He also thanked his constituents in North Maluku and firmly believes that he will remain inaugurated. "I thank all the brothers who chose the number one and for me it's a very beautiful part of the election we won, wait for the people of Northern Maluku," Ahmad said.

During his lawyer, Waode Nur Zaenab stated that his client was the victim of political interference. He will also prove that his client is not guilty in the court of corruption. "We will prove it to the hearing, because during the determination of the suspect on March 13, 2018. The highest poll elektabiltas on March 8, 2018. Then the call was two days before the clear elections to reduce elektabilitas.However, account at most "he said.

He added that the case surrounding his client is very thick with political intervention. "In the election of the North Maluku Islands yesterday, based on the results of fast counts by Friday (29/6), the cloning of Ahmad Hidayat Mus-Rivai Umar who led the Golkar party to get about 32 to They outperformed Burhan Abdurahman-Ishak Jamaluddin (25.97%), Abdul Gani Kasuba-M Al Yasin Ali (30.38), and Muhammad Kasuba-A Madjid (11.70).

Based on the Quick Count Ahmad Hidayat would be the governor of North Maluku, however, the certainty of the winner is determined by the actual count or recap of the KPU.

The suspects KPK AHM and ZM benefited to themselves or others, or companies related to the acquisition of Sula Islands Regency by Bobong Airport. The fictitious purchase of Bobong land acquisition in fiscal year 2009 in the district of Sula Islands.

The fictitious purchase was done in the same way that the Government of the Sula Islands bought the land from ZM bought The jump explained that state losses based on calculation and coordination with BPK amounted to 3.4 billion rupiahs. This amount is consistent with the amount of SP2D disbursement in the Sula district.

Of the Rp 3.4 billion disbursed from the regional treasury of the Sula Islands Regency, Rs 1.5 billion was transferred to ZM as the Power of Attorney Holder. . In addition, 850 million rupiahs are received by AHM through the other parties to disguise the receipt of money. While the rest of the money would have flowed to the other parties.

This case was handled by Police North Maluku Police. Other suspects were convicted, but in 2017, AHM filed a judgment application and the Ternate District Court granted his request, which allowed the Maluku police to order the 39, stop the investigation. This is consistent with the preliminary rulings stating that the police investigation is illegal.

Since then, the Corruption Eradication Commission has co-ordinated the police and the crimes of the Northern Maluku to open a new investigation in October 2017. JSM and ZM have allegedly violated Article 2 ( 1) or Article 3 of Law Number 31 amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 relating to the eradication of corruption in Article 55, paragraph 1, in Article 1 paragraph 1 of Article 64 (1) of the Criminal Code

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