KPK opens 8 sites in Tulungagung and Blitar


Jakarta, – The investigation team of the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption (KPK) ransacked 8 sites in Tulungagung and Blitar, East Java (East Java ). The search was conducted from Tuesday to Wednesday yesterday.

"Tulungagung-Blitar Case In two days yesterday, the KPK team conducted a series of searches on 8 sites in Tulungagung and Blitar," said Febri Diansyah, spokesman for KPK in Jakarta on Thursday ( 5/7). which was searched Tuesday (3/7), of which 5 are located in Tulungagung, namely the house of Kadis PUPR Kabupaten Tulungagung, Satrio; Agung Prayitno House (Syahri Mulyo Success Team), Sukarji House (PUPR Kabul District Tulungagung), Syamrotul Fuad House (Tulungagung Regency ULP Head) and Wahyudiana House ( Tulungagung Regency PUPR Planning Director)

KPK confiscated electronic devices, contract documents, financial documents, "said Febri

while the remaining three places are at Blitar, Eko Yongtono at TGP 25C Blitar, Moderna Office at Jalan Garum Blitar Kota and Office of Multi Facility Facilities. on the city of Jalan Anjasmoro Blitar. The search was carried out on Wednesday (4/7).

"On all three sites, the KPK confiscated the company's financial documents and business documents," said Febri.

The Case in Tulungagung

KPK awarded the 2013-2018 Tulungagung Regent period, Syahri Mulyo, as a suspect for allegedly taking bribes from the United States. about Rp 2.5 billion. KPK also has apprehended three other suspects, namely Agus Prayitno (AP) of the private sector, Sutrisno (SUT) as chief of public works and planning of Tulungagung Regency, and Susilo Prabowo (SP) as the entrepreneur

Susilo 5 billion would be related to road infrastructure improvement projects on the Department of Public Works and Regional Planning Tulungagung Regency. Given by Susilo Prabowo to the Tulungagung regent through Rp 1 billion Agung Prayitno and then the KPK-OTT

The receipt of Rp 1 billion was not the first time that Syahri had done, since it would have already received twice the money. The first income is estimated at about 500 million rupees and the second at 1 billion rupiahs. Susilo Prabowo Suspect is one of the contractors who often win projects in Tulungagung Regency since 2014 until 2018.

Syahri Mulyono, Agung Prayitno and Sutrisno, the suspect of the KPK, reportedly raped her. Article 12 letter a or b or Article 11 Law No. 31/1999 on the eradication of corruption as amended by Law No. 20 Year 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 Subparagraph 1 ) of the Penal Code.

Susilo is suspected of being the briber who allegedly violated Article 5 Paragraph a or b, or Article 13 of Law No. 31 of 1999 relating to the eradication of corruption, as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 combined with Article 65 of the Penal Code

In addition to the arrest of several parties, the KPK Task Force also obtained a number of property Butki has then made seizures. (19459002)

The Blitar Affair

The Corruption Eradication Commission establishes Blitar Mayor Muh Samanhudi Anwar (MSA) as an alleged case of alleged bribery transactions that accepts bribes related to the first Ijon development project in Biltar, East Java (East Java), the year 2018.

KPK also put two other suspects. They are Bambang Purnomo (BP) as a private and entrepreneur Susilo Prabowo (SP).

Determination of the suspect to Muh Samanhudi Anwar who also served as DPC PDI chairman Perjuangan Blitar, East Java and two other suspects come from a manual capture operation (OTT) on Wednesday (6/6) in Blitar . In this OTT, the KPK task force obtained evidence, including about 1.5 billion rupiahs and project memos

Samanhudi allegedly took a bribe from Susilo through the intermediary of Bambang for Rp 1.5 billion. This bribe would go to the construction project of a first high school in Biltar worth 23 billion rupees.

"Fees are part of the 8% that are part of the mayor's total commission of 10%." Jump Situmorang, vice president of KPK

KPK suspects Samanhudi and Bambang are believed to have received bribes allegedly violate Article 12 point a or b or Article 11 of Law (UU) Number 31 Year 1999 concerning eradication Eradication of corruption as amended by law number 20 Year 2001 juncto Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the Penal Code.

Susilo is suspected of being a bribe in violation of Article 5, paragraph 1, letter a or b. 31 of 1999 on the eradication of corruption as amended by Law No. 20 of the year 2001 juncto Article 65 of the Penal Code.

Publisher: Iwan Sutiawan

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