"The prosecutor has already expressed his thoughts, we will discuss in the interior," said KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah Thursday 28/6. his side is ready to face Fredrich if they appeal. Earlier on Thursday afternoon, the Jakarta Assembly sentenced Fredrich to seven years in jail and 500 million rupees to five months in jail.
The judge ruled that Fredrich was going to hinder the KPK's investigation into the e-KTP corruption case Setya Novanto. involved the manipulation of medical data.
The 7-year sentence is lighter than the 12-year-old prosecutor's request, or does not reach two-thirds.
Previously, the KPK often called a judge who sentenced the defendant to less than two-thirds of the charges. In addition, according to Febri, the indicted act has been proven to the court.
Febri promised to immediately inform the public if he was called after the prosecutor's report to KPK
"If according to the prosecutor, the claim there is a reason to alleviate, but according to the judge, we will consider whether we will determine whether the attitude of appeal or not, "said Febri.
Fredrich has proved to violate Article 21 of Law Number 31 of 1999 on the eradication of corruption with Law No. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.
Fredrich satisfies the Prosecutor
Earlier, Thursday 28 (after -midi), the KPK prosecutor protested that he had not received a copy of Fredrich's pleychology.The prosecutor said this when he was about to start the sentence of Fredrich
"We objected because 39; do not accept the plea that the defendant read only received from the legal counsel if we did not have the material in. To answer on Thursday (28/6).
The jury also invited Fredrich to respond to the prosecutor's objections. However, Fredrich responds to the Prosecutor's objections casually. "Because I see that prosecutors do not intend to file an answer, the prosecutor is busy playing HP, so I do not give it anyway," Fredrich said casually [19659011]. One week before the conviction, Fredrich launched a 2000-page plea
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