KPK takes the hand of Regent Bener Meriah, Aceh


Ferry Agus CNN Indonesia | Tuesday, 03/07/2018 22:55 WIB

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Commission for the Eradication of Corruption ( KPK ) resumed artisbad mining (OTT). This time, the anti-lightening action team took the hands of Regent Bering Meriah Ahmadi.

"(Regent) Bener Meriah, that's just what I know," said a source at the KPK when confirmed by a short message on Tuesday (3/7) night.

However, it is still unclear which silent operation against Ahmadi related to which cases. It is not yet known how much money has been co – secured in the OTT against Ahmadi.

Ahmadi is a cadre of the Golkar Party. He was badociated with Syarkawi when he was elected to the Bener Meriah 2017 elections. Ahmadi and Syarkawi inaugurated Bener Meriah as Regent and Vice Regent on June 14, 2017.

KPK has not given any official information about this OTT Ahmadi. KPK chairman Agus Rahardjo told KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah that he did not reply to a short message sent

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