KPK will auction 17 fields and lands belonging to Djoko Susilo


JAKARTA, – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will auction 17 land and buildings, as well as an apartment belonging to the former head of the Indonesian Police Corps convicted, Djoko Susilo.

Djoko has been found guilty of bribery in the context of an exam simulator project for two and four wheel driving licenses, as well as money laundering.

KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah said the loot had a total limit value of 179,683,589,000 rupees.

To read also: The house of Djoko Susilo confiscated by the KPK will become a museum of batik

"The booty auction is based on the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 537 K / Pid.Sus / 2014 of 4 June 2014. The auction is done by l & # 39; intermediary of the auction service and wealth management service of Jakarta III, "said Mr. Febri at the KPK Red and White Building in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/11/2018).

He said the auction plan was executed on Thursday (12.12.2018). According to Febri, most of Djoko's land and buildings are located in southern Jakarta.

The offer is given by e-Auction Open Bidding, at the following address:

Those wishing to know the details of the products and the conditions of the auction can access the site https: // www. performed-barang-rampasan-atas-nama-irjen-pol-drs-djoko-susilo-sh-msi

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