According to Arief, the KPU always involves all parties in the counting process at each level. , from Panwas to witnesses of each pair of candidates
"It is clear that the whole process undertaken by the KPU at each level is not done alone," Arief told KPU's office Sunday (1/7 ).
(19459002) "There is a manipulator who must be shouted," he said.
On the other hand, Commissioner Ilham Saputra KPU confirmed the problems that occurred during the Makbadar elections.
He explains the difference in the number of votes in the report and the number of votes in the vote count information system (Situng) has also been confirmed.
There may have been an error or intentional act of the PPK in Tamalati. Currently, he said, the authorities are seeking clarification from those concerned.
"It is now confirmed when it is correct, now it is searched, it will be reported later," said Ilham
. A few years later, the South Sulawesi Election Oversight Council suspected a number of Makbadar election organizers of manipulating data to win a single candidate.
complicate the coverage of the process of recapitulation of the vote of the mayor of Makbadar election. The chairman of the Makbadar Election Commission, Syarif Amir, was questioned by Bawaslu about the alleged manipulation of voice counting data at Makbadar
Syarif asked for information on differences in the C1 KWK format. Bawaslu points to the case of alleged manipulation of summary data as governed by Article 178 letter e, Law Number 10 of 2016 with threat of 3 years imprisonment
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