KPU denies Wiranto's intervention on Hanura's stewardship


  KPU Denies Wiranto's Intervention on the Hanura Case - JPNN.COM JAKARTA – KPU Chairman Arief Budiman said, According to Arief, the meetings of the KPU with the coordinating minister for political and security affairs and several ministries and a number of related institutions only discussed legal opinions that could ensure the smooth running of the 2019 electoral process.

"Coordination Meeting Limited (Rakortas) discusses the follow-up of the PTUN decision on Hanura.So, it is the moment of registration, how to follow the verdict of the Administrative Court, "said Arief in a written statement received on Saturday ( 7/7)

Minister Rakortas discussed the follow-up of the PTUN decision on the trial against SK Menkumham number M.HH-01.AH.11.01 It is known that the year 2018 took place in the office of Kemenko Polhukam, Jakarta, Thursday (5/7) yesterday

Arief ad clarified that at the meeting it was explained that the KPU was working at level 1, KPU asked Kemenkumham because Kemenkumham had the right Menkumham gave an explanation, based on the decision of PTUN, the decision to follow is SK 22 or M.HH-22.AH.11.0, where Oesman gave an explanation of the management of political parties. Sapta Odang as Chairman of the Hanura Party and Sarifuddin Suding as Secretary General. This is done because the SK 01 is still disputed

"Because it was submitted to the KPU that DPP Hanura's stewardship based on Decree 22, then the KPU followed by sending a letter to SK registered board of directors 22. Who are the members of the DPD and DPC board of directors, until now, we are still waiting for the explanation, "he said.

According to Arief, once obtained an explanation related to the council of DPD in the province and to DPC in the regency / city, the list of stewardship will be submitted to the provincial KPU and regency / city to follow.

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