KPU Suspicious Voice Envelopes from Volunteers 02, 01 Team Legal Steps


The brown envelope brought by Volunteer 02, Beti Kristiana, when she testified at a hearing in the Constitutional Court (MK) became a discussion. The envelope that was brought to the court was suspected by the KPU because its writing was the same, even though the envelope had been written from another polling station.

At the Constitutional Court hearing, KPU Commissioner Hasyim Asyari said the information on the brown envelope of the ballots should be filled in by the KPPS chairman. In addition, according to the KPU, if the envelope is used, the number of ballots seized in the envelope will be entered.

"Because it's empty, we can not confirm if this envelope wraps the valid ballot.If it is used, it means that there are several pages," said Hasyim Asyari at the # 39, a trial concerning the results of the election in the Constitutional Court (Jl), Jl Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta (Wednesday). 19/06/2019) night.

Teams KPU and Bawaslu photographed this brown envelope because the Constitutional Court judge asked KPU to submit a comparison envelope for the presidential election in Juwangi, Boyolali, Central Java. Moments later, the KPU, as an accused, requested the photo of several envelopes brought by 02 volunteers as witnesses because of their "suspicion" with the inscription on the description of the So-called identical envelope.

"We found the same tendency to write, we asked for a photo because the writing was similar even though (the envelope) of the polling station was different," said the legal team of the KPU, Ali Nurdin.

The brown envelope brought by witness Prabowo, Beti, of Constitutional Judge Suhartoyo, questioned the Prabowo team about surrendering the brown envelope as evidence related to the lawsuit.

"We leave it," said Prabowo's legal team, Teuku Nasrullah.

Meanwhile, Jokowi-Ma's attorney Amin, Teguh Samudera, said that he was ready to file a lawsuit if the evidence presented by the 02 volunteers proved to be false.

"Because the evidence submitted to the noble by the witness must be questioned, original or false evidence.If it is false, we have the right to report to the authorities," said Teguh at trial.

(fdn / fdn)

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