Kriss Hatta releases Hilda Vitria to Billy Syahputra – VIVA


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VIVA – A chaotic love triangle involving Hilda Vitria, Billy Syahputra and Kriss Hatta warms up. However, Kriss acknowledges, in the midst of a raging conflict, he has a hidden desire about Hilda. He expressed his wish to meet the woman who is still the status of his wife. He wants to solve the problems between them.

"From the beginning I was just saying that I was just asking to sit with the woman (Hilda), then we discuss ya that our vision of mission can still be run or not "Kriss said in Jakarta, Monday, July 2, 2018, while in the Metro Jaya police

Aware of the current situation that continues to blame each other, Kriss has also taken a stand. He has already let Hilda go by the side of Olga Syahputra's sister

"He is (willingly) ready to be born," he said.

There is no love for Hilda in the heart of Kriss. Kriss also expressed hope that Hilda and Billy could get married soon and give a baby as soon as possible.

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