BANGKAPOS.COM – The act of Iis Dahlia cs in judging the "Indonesian Dangdut Contest (KDI)" 2018.
In addition to Iis Dahlia, there is also Beniqno and Trie Utami who became the jury of talent search dangdut.
The three jurors received a severe criticism of his speech before a hearing participant
The participant at the hearing called Waode Sofia, a 16-year-old student of Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi.
The jurors had criticized until the postponement of hearing Waode Sofia because it is considered not worthy to look at
"Have you met your friends not?", Asked , as reported by TribunJatim.com of the video account KDI MNCTV YouTube Monday (16/7/2018). [(19659008) IisDahliaetKDIparticipants at the audition2018 "width =" 700 "height =" 393 "/>
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Trie Utami then orders Waode to find a other attire that could be used for the hearing
In fact, Beniqno requests that a Waode hearing be postponed until the participant can present himself as the jury wishes. has received various negative comments from the netizens of the country.
Critics were also made by a number of public figures in Indonesia, from Fatin Shidqia, Mytha Lestari, to Citra Scholastika.
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