Launch the book, Ani Yudhoyono tells the experience of 10 years to be the First Lady

[ad_1] – The former First Lady Ani Yudhoyono recounts her life experiences by accompanying the 6th President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, for 10 years in the book

" Being an apprenticeship and a lifelong life. "Ani Yudhoyono: 10 years of traveling" in Jakarta Sunday (8/7).

Ani felt that the experience " I tell you the experience in Agus, Ibas, Annisa and Aliya They are enthusiastic in listening to my story Why not a rare experience that I share with the people of Indonesia, "said Ani 19659003] In addition, he remembered the beginning of being a first lady and seeking advice, none of which found a book on the experience of the first lady to read and study

a conversation with her husband, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and his sons and expressed his desire to pour experience during the SBY accompaniment in a book. The family supported his wishes.

Ani Yudhoyono admitted long enough to compile page 539 and published Gramedia because he encountered many obstacles, such as the author Alberthiene Endah and himself

so according to him not boring to read so thick. "Although thick enough not to be boring to read, in addition to good language, interesting stories and full of documentation," he said on the occasion, SBY said the book is a good book to share. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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