Leading actor Arief Rivan is dead – VIVA


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VIVA – The lead actor Arief Rivan dies on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at 4:00. The actor who played in the soap opera The Ojek Pengkolan had a heart attack.

"Yeah, dad died at 4 am … He was sick a long time ago a year ago, heart disease," said Ory, the daughter of Arief when he was contacted Tuesday, July 3, 2018.

Plan the control of the man to Minang blood. However, Almighty God will do otherwise.

"A heart attack so yes .. Suddenly, aja baseball no sign," he said again.

Arief Rivan died at the age of 67 and will be buried after the Dhuhour prayer. Now the corpse is still at the funeral home of Jalan Murbay number 53, Beji, Depok Utara, West Java.

"Please, pray, excuse if daddy is wrong," said Ory crying, sobbing.

Arief Rival is a senior actor and pesinetron, one of whom played in the film Pbadion brings favors and Wild Woman.

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