Lee Jeong Hoon, a bull working in Indonesia, chooses to maintain his citizenship status


  Lee Jeong Hoon, working bull in Indonesia, retains the status of citizen

Lee Jeong Hoon is reluctant to change his citizenship status despite job offers in Indonesia [19659004] WowKeren –
The presenters are rising, Lee Jeong Hoon tells the story of his career in the country's entertainment industry. Early in his career, Lee joined boyband Hitz . However, the career trip actually took him to be a presenter on TV.

But apparently, Lee enjoys more of his career in the entertainment world as a presenter than a personal boyband . According to him, the work as a presenter allows him to spend more time with his wife and children.

"It was a 19459014 image there is no time for the family," said Lee Bob on Friday (29/6). "But if host I can grasp the event live may take time for the family."

"In fact, I want to enjoy life in Indonesia with my wife and children," Lee continued. "So, I want to work what I like, so I appreciate it more."

Nevertheless, Lee still receives several job offers in South Korea. It was not long ago that he planned to travel to his hometown to film and work as ambbadador of the brand .

"Yes enggak as in Indonesia, yes, he was brand ambbadador two hospitals in Korea and there will also be filming on YouTube in one of the Korean companies", added Lee. "Although not as much as in Indonesia, but there is already work (in South Korea)."

Lee is also pleased that his presence is greeted by the Indonesian people. He is also proud, can bring and represent South Korea in the entertainment world of the country. In addition, the results of hard work in Indonesia can meet the needs of the household.

"But I am very happy because the Indonesians are willing to accept me as an artist here," Lee said. "And I'm also proud that Koreans can also work in Indonesia."

Although he is comfortable in Indonesia, Lee does not plan to change his citizenship status. Therefore, he must extend the Limited Residence Permit Card (KITAS) every 6 months with the status of working as an artist. Lee also realized the use of foreign languages ​​in Indonesia better than his hometown.

"The education in Indonesia is quite good, children can speak fluently English, Chinese, Indonesian, and they can have three languages ​​ c 39 is easy, "said Lee. "If in Korea, English is still not spoken fluently, so I want English children to speak fluently."

To this day, Lee still retains his intention to move to South Korea. He claimed to stay in Indonesia while being able to make a living in the entertainment world. However, he will take his family more often on vacation in South Korea.

"By settling in Indonesia first, just in the future, children will have fun or want to go to Korea, I will accompany them there," said Lee. "As long as I live in Indonesia, I live in Indonesia because I like Indonesia a lot."

Unfortunately, Lee's flight plans and his family to South Korea are threatened with emptiness. The travel company that worked with Lee suddenly canceled their flights with the alleged extortion. Lee's lawyer was quickly dealing with the matter legally.

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