Legitimate! Caisar Married Almaratu Intan, Former Indadari Driver


Bintang.com, Jakarta The good news comes from comedians Caisar . He officially married Almaratu Intan in Bogor on Saturday (30/06/2018). The news of the marriage of Caisar and Indadari was pbaded on by Wawan, Caisar's brother.

"Yes, the wedding took place at 9 o'clock," said Wawan when he contacted Bintang.com Saturday (30/06/2010).

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As a dowry, Caesar handed a set of prayer tools, the Qur'an, and 10 grams of gold. "Gold 10 grams, a set of prayer tools, and the Qur'an, that's all," Wawan said.

Who is Alan Diamond? He is a former pilot of Indadari who is a former wife of Caisar. In addition to being an Indadari driver, Almaratu is an Indadari employee. He is responsible for maintaining a social media account managed by Indadari.

Congratulations to Caisar and Almaratu Intan!

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