Legitimate! Empty box Win at Makassar. Appi-Cicu Slow



Bisnis.com MAKASSAR – Political reality in the city of Makbadar proves that an empty or empty column can win the regional main election

Recap voting Makbadar elections, finally completed with the empty result of single candidate column after counting 15 sub-districts at the Max One Hotel Jalan Taman Makam Pahlawan, Makbadar, South Sulawesi, Friday (6/7/2018) night .

Based on the results of the calculation, Biringkanaya Subdistrict Singles single candidate Munafri Arifuddin-A Rachmatika Dewi (Appi -Cicu) received 36,092 votes and an empty column with 39,320 votes

The number of valid ballots was 75,412 votes, no authorized 2,452 votes

Subsequently Sangkarrang Sub-district, the pair Appi-Cicu got 3,271 votes while the empty column returned 3,645 votes

Legitimate votes 6,906, not allowed 336 votes. Total 7,242 votes.

In the Manggala sub-district, Appi-Cicu won the vote by winning 30,384 votes out of 27,631 white votes. While valid votes are 58,015, not allowed 1,746. Total votes 59,761 votes.

In the sub-district of Mamajang, the pair of Appi-Cicu candidates lost again with 10,886 votes while 13,407 whites. A valid vote 24,293, 749 unauthorized votes with a total of 25,042 votes.

While he was at Kecamatan Makbadar, the candidate couple Appi-Cicu received 13,654 votes and the empty box again got 21,081 votes. The legitimate polls 34,735 votes, not allowed 1,119 votes with a total of 35,854 votes.

In the Mariso sub-district, a slim winning column won 12,845 votes while the Appi-Cicu pair won 11,566 votes. 24 411 valid, unauthorized votes 786 votes for a total of 25 197 votes.

For the Tallo subdistrict, Appi-Cicu couples received 26,297 votes, but whites stayed above 29,122 votes. Legitimate votes of 55,419, 2,560 unauthorized votes and a total of 57,979 votes

The Panakukang sub-district, Appi-Cicu, obtained 25,069 votes and an empty column still got 31,108 votes. The legitimate ballots were 56177, unauthorized 2.052 for a total of 58.229 votes.

The sub-district of Rappocini, the pair of Appi-Cicu won 29,844 votes, while the blank columns were still ahead with 32,460 votes. The vote valid 62,304, unauthorized 1,737 votes and the total of 64,041 votes.

In the sub-district of Tamalanrea, the acquisition of empty column votes is 21,312 votes, far exceeding the vote of the Appi-Cicues. The legitimate polls 38,050, unauthorized 1,144 votes and a total of 39,214 votes.

While in the sub-district of Ujung Pandang, the acquisition of vacant column votes returned up to 7,319 votes, while the Appi-Cicu couple received 3,822 votes. Nevertheless, the pair Appi-Cicu excelled in the district of Tamalate with 33,817 votes, while the virgin columns obtained 33,541 votes. Legitimate voice 67.358, not allowed 2.564 with a total of 69.922 votes.

For the sub-district of Ujungtanah, the empty column returned to a moderate gain of 8,317 votes while the Appi-Causes vote of 7,362 votes. Votes 15,679 thousand, not allowed 570 votes for a total of 16,249,000 votes.

In the sub-district of Wajo, the couples of Appi-Cicu had to settle for 4,695 votes, while 7954 whites were replaced. Bulletin valid 12 649, not allowed 361 votes. Total 13,010 votes

And Bontoala District, Appi-Cicu pair 10,584 votes, the minimal difference with empty columns got 11,907 votes. The ballot is valid 22.907, not allowed 871 votes with a total of 23.362 votes.

Based on the counting results, Appi-Cicu singles vote a total of 264,071 votes, the empty column number 300,969 votes, or 36,898 votes. (19459013) resigned or did not accept the official results of the Makbadar KPU

Until 11:10 pm the situation in the vote counting area of ​​the election of the Mayor of Makbadar was favorable

Police personnel deployed counted 800 people, helped by TNI staff up to 400 people

Source: Antara

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