Let Arsenal, Jack Wilshere join West Ham


LONDON, KOMPAS.com – Jack Wilshere officially left Arsenal. He joined another London club, West Ham United, on Monday (07/09/2018).

Jack Wilshere was awarded a three-year contract by West Ham United. "Wesh Ham United is delighted to confirm that he has recruited Jack Wilshere," said West Ham United's official statement to BolaSport.com. 19659002] Read also: Proof of the feasibility of France, Belgium, England and Croatia goes to the semi-finals

"He signed a contract with The Hammers on Monday ( 07/09/2018) He has joined Manuel Pellegrini's pre-season training team in Bad Ragaz, "writes West Ham official statement

#WelcomeJack pic.twitter.com/GtAmF98ila

– West Ham United (@WestHamUtd) July 9, 2018

Wilshere has been part of the senior team of Arsenal since its promotion in 2008-2009. "We are pleased to have got the signing of Jack Wilshere, surpbaded the other teams," said Mario Husillos, technical director of West Ham, quoted by BBC

"Jack is an experienced and quality player at most He also plays his entire career in the Premier League, "he continues

. Wilshere has been on loan at Bolton (2010) and Bournemouth (2016 -1917)

See also: 2018 World Cup Semifinals Calendar, There is the Deuteronomy Party 1986 [19659002] After a good run of loans to Bournemouth, he returns to Arsenal 2018.

In total, Wilshere recorded 197 games with 14 goals for the Gunners.

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