Like a mermaid, beautiful Jessica Iskandar with exotic makeup

[ad_1], Jakarta In addition to Nia Ramadhani, the squad personnel who became the focus of the surfer was Jessica Iskandar . The actress and presenter of this famous TV show in Indonesia has a lifestyle that steals the attention.

After reviewing her appearance with blond hair, Jessica's elegant look is also becoming more Westernized. The woman who familiarly calls Jedar calls seems confident with an open and sensual outfit.

Not looking for arbitrariness, many creative teams want to collaborate with Jessica, including on filming. Jessica often makes pictures with different famous photographers and of course the picture is fantastic.

Lately, Jessica posted her natural and exotic makeup while she was on vacation to the Mentawai Islands. Taking photoshoot settings on the beach, Jessica looks a sensual style, but still feels modern.

Make-up-free makeup and fresh beach waves make an elegant look Jessica Iskandar expensive to miss. Jedar seems hypnotizing like a mermaid showing his charm on the coast.

Thigh Jessica Iskandar is criticized Warganet

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