LinkedIn Target 18 Million Non-User Emails for Ads


Jakarta, Selular.ID – The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has published a report covering its activities in the first half of 2018, highlighting complaints against LinkedIn.

In connection with TechCrunch, LinkedIn has used millions of email addresses for non-LinkedIn users to target ads on Facebook. As a result of the complaint, the DPC conducted an audit and concluded that it violated the data protection rules.

In order to develop the user base, LinkedIn "processes e-mail addresses collected by approximately 18 million LinkedIn members" and then uses them to target them through Facebook ads.

TechCrunch points out that many companies are transferring their data processing operations to Ireland before the adoption of the new European data regulation.

The DPC stated that "the complaints were finally settled peacefully" and that LinkedIn had put an end to these practices.

However, the Commission was "concerned about the wider systemic issues identified" in its report and conducted a second audit to see if LinkedIn had "technical security and organizational measures".

It turned out that the Board had found that LinkedIn had "pre-calculated a professional network for LinkedIn members" and had ordered them to stop and delete badociated data prior to May 2018.

In a statement to TechCrunch, the Commission said that it had cooperated with the investigations, but that the processes and procedures in place had not been followed. "We have taken the appropriate steps and improved the way we work to make sure this does not happen again."

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