LIPI: Coral reef grafts must continue to be performed


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) suggests to continue cultivation of coral reefs by transplantation. A researcher at the LIPI Ocean Research Center, Suharsono, explained that the reason is that transplants do not harm the environment.

Read also: The LIPI reveals that the state of the coral reefs is very good, only 6.56%

"The transpalation started in 1998. It was a collaboration between academics or researchers, the government and the private sector," said Suharsono during his presentation at the Widya Graha LIPI seminar hall in South Jakarta. Wednesday 28 November 2018. "Coral transplants have also entered the international market since 2003".

Coral transplantation is one of the techniques of conservation (rehabilitation) of coral reefs increasingly degraded by grafting techniques. The goal is to preserve coral reef ecosystems.

Read also: Indonesia presents ways to rehabilitate coral reefs around the world

The technique plays a role in accelerating the regeneration of damaged coral reefs. Or to build a new coral reef that did not exist before.

In addition, said Suharsono, coral transplants also provide employment to local residents. "With coral transplants, we can reduce unemployment because it absorbs up to 12,000 people and it absorbs skilled workers from the maintenance staff of coral transplants." he added.

In addition to being used for the rehabilitation of corals, coral transplants can also be used for restoration and trade, as well as to increase currencies. "It also promotes creativity and innovation in the creation of exorcic coral colors with high sales value," said Suharsono.

According to the report on the coral status of Indonesia published in 2018 by the LIPI, the status of coral reefs in the very good category in Indonesia was only 6.56% with a number of 70 sites, which represented a poor percentage of 36.18% with a total of 386 sites. While the correct category is 245 sites or 22.96%, while the correct category is 366 sites or 34.3%.

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