LIPI researchers explain the dangers of predatory fish Arapaima


LIPI researcher suggests that Arapaima Gigas fish will be discontinued soon

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Iktiologi researcher of the LIPI Renny Kurnia Hadiaty Biology Research Center and Haryono suggested that the Arapaima Gigas fish from Brazil will be stopped in Indonesia's public waters. The ban on the entry of Arapaima Gigas fish into Indonesian waters was implemented by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in 2014.

"We recommend that the socialization of authors, entrepreneurs and fishermen are immediately punished Renny in Jakarta, Friday (29/6)

He claimed that fish are included in the category of freshwater fish predators that are harmful to the native aquatic fauna of the island. Indonesia Meanwhile, Haryono said that the community was once again encountering similar fish in public waters to immediately catch the fish.

Fish immediately removed from the water.Meat can be used by the surrounding community because this fish meat can be consumed in the country of origin.

Arapaima Gigas fish is a type of freshwater fish that has a unique shape. it makes everyone interested in the type of fish that one.

But the fish Arapaima Gigas is quite dangerous. Especially for Indonesian fish because it is carnivorous or predatory, its food comes in the form of other fish, crustaceans, frogs, birds encountered on the surface of the waters

The existence of Arapaima Gigas in Indonesian public waters can become a competitor for native fish. the use of food or space, when the size is the same as that of the original fish. However, given that the size can reach three to four meters and weigh hundreds of kilograms, the survival capacity of Arapaima Gigas fish in public waters is very good, despite the conditions of the water [19659003] which is not good because these fish can take oxygen directly in the air. The branchial structure only works when she is still young (adolescent).

Along with fish growth, the gill undergoes a primitive lung transition that allows fish to adapt to poor and even low oxygen environments. Another thing is that the parent Arapaima Gigas has a nourishing pattern, males and females work together to make a hole about 50 cm wide and 20 cm deep.

The female will put the eggs that can reach 50,000 eggs in the hole the eggs and eggs were also well preserved by the male. In addition, he argued that the color of the fish's head had become darker to protect the newly hatched junvenil. After his sons were tall enough, the masculine colors came back brighter and farther away.

Conditions in Brazil

According to Haryono, in his native country, the fish of Arapaima Gigas had already experienced overfishing . Thus, the Brazilian government has banned arrest since 2001, but illegal fishing continues until the population is suspected of declining.

According to the World Conservation Monitoring Center, this fish is on the IUCN Red List. although IUCN has not defined a status due to the lack of detailed data on the state of the population. Arapaima Gigas has been included in the list of the International Convention on Endangered Species (CITES) and belongs to Appendix II, which means that the fish of this species has not yet disappeared, but must to be controlled by his trade

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