Live the LDR with Vanessa Prescilla, that's Dolken Duke


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM The Duke of Dolken had to undergo a long distance relationship with Vanessa Prescilla. Because this sastée Vanessa Prescilla was studying in Australia. Even so, they still maintain communication.

"Yes yes yes Communication is safe, yes chatty I also yesterday there are busy filim abroad, we are both busy having their own activities," said Duke Adipati at Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Wednesday night (4/7).

  Duke of Dolken and Vanesha Prescilla. (Ryan /

Duke of Dolken and Vanesha Prescilla. (Ryan /

Duke Dolken said he did not visit Vanessa Prescilla. In their moments of calm, they are forced to take the time of video calls . Although not, usually Duke of Dolken and Vanessa Prescilla exchanged messages via the application WhatsApp

"Yes baseball how-how requires Facetime if ever writes If baseball is baseball, if so, I can not catch up because there are also jobs in Jakarta, "he says.

Duke Dolken is proud of Vanessa Prescilla. At a young age, her lover learns independently and thinks about her future.

"He amusing fun, very positive, at this age his spirit is great, good for I ), it means that he is self-sufficient, at the same time. age of so many thoughts, " Duke Dolken

(tov / bin)

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