Live Three Away Game, Persib Boyong 21 Players


Bandung – Persib Bandung will dive three times outside in nine days. Normally, Persib has only 19 players

Persib must go to the headquarters of Barito Putera on July 22, 2017.

After that, Maung Bandung will postpone the Persebaya Surabaya contest on July 26, 2018.

Leaving Persib will be closed with a match against PS Tira in Bantul on July 30, 2018.

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The new forward Persib Patrich Wanggai participated in the tour far away Persib. Meanwhile, Victor Igbonefo will not be lowered during Persib's visit to Barito Putera's headquarters

New Victor played when Persib defied Persebaya.

"We have drawn up a list and will go with 21 players because Victor can not play this Sunday and he will overtake Surabaya," said Mario Gomez at Arcamanik Square on Friday (20/7/2018). In the morning, Persib is doing the final exercise to finalize the program before the tour. Gomez said his team was ready to divide the three crucial games.

"Today we have done the exercises well and tonight at 4:00 pm WIB will be flying for (for the match against) Barito Putera," he said.

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Mentioned about the power of Barito, Gomez evaluates Jacksen F Tiago's adoptive children potentially becoming a stone of # Persib stumble in an effort to reach the top of the rankings.

"Of course I know that they have a good performance because they have good midfielders and forwards, of course we will face a difficult match, difficult for us and difficult for them because it is difficult to play there, but we will also try to win, "he said.

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