Lo? Banser NU arrives at the conclusion of the study of Abdul Somad in Semarang


Semarangpos.com, SEMARANG – The parties involved in the pros and cons of the study of Ustaz Abdul Somad in Semarang, Central Java, Monday-Tuesday (30-31 / 7 / 2018), seem unable to interior court attitude. The office of Semarang Ansor (Banser) Nahdlatul The city of Ulama Semarang claims to have been appointed to refuse the study.

After Polrestabes Semarang, who was initially engaged to ensure the implementation of the recitation, Nahdlatul Ulama, seem to be in the same anger. Barisan Ansor Serba Guna (Banser) NU Semarang, the largest organization of the mbad organization of Indonesian Muslims, originally claimed that she was refusing Abdul's study. Somad, suddenly claiming to be neutral

. News Agency Between in the city of Semarang, Central Java, Saturday (28/07/2018). According to him, the wings of the organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) were neutral with respect to the pengajian to be held at the Campus of the Islamic University of Sultan Agung (Unissula) Semarang

"Banser is not able to support or refuse "Ansor Semarang Dimas City in Semarang, Central Java, Saturday

In fact, he added, Banser executives are allowed to follow these activities as long as they do not use the attributes of the UN wing organization. "Please attend, but without attributes," he added.

Regarding the presence of heavy elements NU Banser who participated in the rejection in Mapolrestabes Semarang, according to him, it was clarified at the regional level. He explains that the person in question is not registered as a member of Banser. "We saw the picture, Banser's attributes are sold freely," he said.

Previously, some mbad organizations reported refusing the study that presented Ustaz Abdul Somad. Ustaz Abdul Somad is scheduled to participate in a study in the city of Semarang for two days on Monday and Tuesday. While it is true that NU Banser is named, he should be acting in a matter of fraud or defamation pertaining to the legal field.

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Source: Antara

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