Ludwig Augustinsson, be ready to choose a new club


The World Cup is like a showcase for players whose names have not been known publicly, such as Augustinsson. Because, there are many better talent guides from the European team to watch out for and not impossible will lead to the transfer process.

In 2016, Augustinsson became the target of Liverpool. At that time, Augustinsson was 21 years old and played for Denmark's FC Copenhagen. In 2015, he managed to bring Sweden to the Euro U-21.

At that moment, the player of a height of 181 cm chooses to stay at FC Copenhagen. Augustinsson does not want to be content to be a liner player. Therefore, when the reds already have Jose Enrique and Alberto Moreno. It's hard for him to compete.

Augustinsson has just moved at the start of the 2017/18 season, not the Liverpool club that became the destination but the Werder Bremen. Augustinsson moved with a transfer fee of 4.5 million euros. The right choice, as it has appeared regularly in Bremen throughout the season.

With a age of 24, Augustinsson is of course mentally and emotionally mature. The game of address is also developed quickly. Moving to a bigger club and a chance to win the title could be an option for Augustinsson.

If he is able to stay consistent with Sweden at the 2018 World Cup, Augustinsson must immediately pick the new club that he will defend next season. Many clubs are certainly ready to offer an attractive offer.

New videos and statistics: Sweden crushed Mexico 3-0 in the final match of the 2018 Group F World Cup.

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