Lulung not fired, but position request


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Deputy Secretary General Party of Unified Development (PPP) Achmad Baidowi denied the statement Abraham Lunggana or Lulung who claimed that he moved to Party of National Mandate (PAN) because of being fired.

According to Baidowi, Lulung asked for the post of chairman of the PPP DKI Jakarta DPW when the management of Djan Faridz was not recognized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. However, this has been rejected by PPP leaders all over Indonesia.

"Lulung's moved because after losing the support of Djan Faridz, asking to be back became the president of the DPW but was rejected by all PPP DPW leaders all over Indonesia" Baidowi said by SMS on Tuesday night.

After that, said Baidowi, the head of the PPP, Romahurmuziy, recognized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, did not accede to Lulung's request. He added that Lulung should join a legitimate direction without frills. In addition, Lulung is also known to be a former disciple of Djan Faridz who was not recognized by Kemenkumham.

"Politically, Lulung has lost, so he should join a legitimate leadership without having to submit conditions," said Baidowi.

Baidowi also denied Lulung's badertion that he was removed from office by PPP because he did not support Basuki Tjahaja Purnama-Djarot of Saiful Hidayat in the DKI Jakarta regional elections.

Baidowi pointed out that the legitimate PPP was supporting the Agus Pure Harimurti Yudhoyono-Syilvia pair. The party that supports Basuki-Djarot, said Baidowi, is the PPP that runs Djan Faridz and is not legally valid.

"This means that if Lulung claims to have been fired by the PPP because he did not support Ahok, it is absolutely false, the truth is that Djan Faridz was not fired. by PPP, "said Baidowi.

Baidowi regarded Lulung as an "adventurer" politician because of his hobbies among the moving parties of the Reform Star Party (PBR), the PPP and the PAN.

Baidowi, however, did not question the transfer of Lulung. For him, the transfer was not a problem for PPP.

"The PPP as an experienced party was not the least affected by Lulung's move," Baidowi concluded. (bmw / asr)

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