Lunch with Jokowi, PKPI No Sodorkan Nama Cawapres


JAKARTA, – Chairman of the Indonesian Party for Justice and Unity (PKPI) Diaz Hendropriyono stressed that his party has not nominated a vice-presidential candidate President Joko Widodo (Saturday 28/7/2018).

"We do not give him the name of vice president," said Diaz after a luncheon with President Jokowi on the porch of Bogor's presidential palace.

The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Grace Natalie and the President of the Persian Indonesian Party (Perindo) Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

Also read: Saturday afternoon, Herbal Medicine Day Natalie Jokowi, Hary Tanoe and Diaz Hendropriyono

Diaz claimed, PKPI loyal to Jokowi. His party expressed support for Jokowi since his party is still led by his father, AM Hendropriyono.

"In fact, I have personally supported Mr. Jokowi since his appointment to the governorship of DKI, and we will certainly accept the vice president." Believes he will choose the best, "said Diaz.

In lunch for about two hours, Diaz continued, the president discussed a lot of things. One of them is the dynamics of the policy before the recent enlistment of the candidate for the vice presidency.

See also: Jokowi: They bring a new spirit, spirit and excitement in our political world …

PKPI, President Jokowi also asked the internal state of PKPI

Diaz enjoyed this kind of meeting. In fact, although Grace and Hary Tanoe were excluded at a dinner hosted with a number of presidents of political parties who had already voted in parliament on Monday (23/7/2018).

"We remain strong," said Diaz.

President Joko Widodo reportedly received Saturday a lunch of three political party leaders on the porch of the presidential palace in Bogor, West Java.

See also: Di Gunungkidul, PKPI Select Absent Election 2019

President General Political Party hosted by President, namely PSI President Grace Natalie, PKPI President Diaz Hendropriyono and President from Perindo Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

Jokowi also uploaded this moment to his official account Facebook

Jokowi still writes: "I hear from them a lot of information about the nation and the country from the point of view of young politicians . " [1965p(19459004)

Not to mention, President Jokowi mentioned a number of foods eaten together

"We enjoyed the soup rice" Jokowi written as a cover. "

Place is often used as a place of discussion of President Jokowi's eyes with the leaders of friendly countries.The moment of conversation on the porch was popularly called "veranda talk."

The lanai was turned into a banquet A long dining table is placed in the center of the veranda The color of the brown table corresponds to the tablecloth of batik in red on each side which crosses the table

Kompas TV The IPKP will take part in the election of 2019.

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