Magic! 1.5 years missing swallowed south coast wave, Ninin Congratulations

[ad_1] – Strange but real. Perhaps this proverb deserves to be pinned to Nining, a resident of Kampung Cibunarpanagan RT 8/2, Gedepangrango Village, Kadudampit District, Sukabumi Kabupten.

Was declared dead even dead swallowed by the waves of the waves of the south coast of Palabuhanratu a year and a half ago, today Nining rediscovered to the condition is still lively.

The story begins on January 8, 2017. At that time, Nining and his family go to Kebon Kalapa Beach, Citepus, Palabuhanratu with his family.

As cool to swim, suddenly big waves come up Nining until she is swept away by the middle stream and declared lost.

Separating after the search and rescue team, the body allegedly belonging to the 52-year-old woman was found not far from the original location lost.

However, the family who was informed by the officers did not agree that the destroyed body belonged to Nining, until the body was buried in the funeral of the hospital. district of Palabuhanratu.

At Radar Sukabumi, Wanda (23 years old) The youngest child in Nining admitted never felt the loss of his mother for a year and a half.

He felt that Nining was still at home but did not seem to be visible.

"As long as we are lost, we do not feel lost as the person who has pbaded away is dead.In the meantime, the body previously found by the SAR team, we believe that it does not. is not a mother who is seen from her physical characteristics.In fact, now the mothers we believe will eventually come back with the still living conditions, "he explained during his meeting at RSUD R Syamsudin SH Sukabumi City on Sunday ( 1/7 /), reported Radar Bogor (Jawa Pos Group)

Wanda who works as a driver of this transit, tells the beginning of his mother's story.

In his opinion, recently, his grandfather often dreamed that his mother should be gathered at Citepus Beach Palabuhanratu.

"Because we (the family, the red) strongly believe that the mother will go home Saturday (30/6) around 21:00, we went to lead Palabuhanratu about 10 people," he said .

Arriving at Citepus Beach Palabuhanratu around 11:50 pm, Wanda continued, the family rushed immediately and spread to the starting point of Nining's disappearance.

After a while, the family found Nining with life intact and dead. He was lying away from the beach reef.

"Exactly at 00:00, my aunt found a mother.At that time, her condition was like the beginning when she was lost in the same clothes.However, her physical condition is weak and we called her" 39 medical team of the local health center, "said Wanda.

After the help of Citepus Puskesmas' medical team, Nining was quickly taken home to Kadudampit.

Although Nining's return is out of place, the family is very happy about Nining's return.

"Surely we and all the family are happy, because mom can come back and meet as usual.Today, to restore the status of the mother during her stay in the hospital" he concluded.

Found at the same location, Okih Fajri, chairman of the Sukabumi District Regional Search and Rescue Coordination District (FKSD), added that after receiving reports of losses last January, he immediately took action in accordance with the SOPs.

However, various research efforts have not produced results until finally he finds a body that is in a pretty damaged state.

"According to SOP, we did a search for a week.Not after us, we found the body that Nining suspected.However, after checking the family, the body would not belong to Nining before being finally buried, linked to the DNA test, he has already entered the police authority, "he concluded

(mam / jpg / JPC)

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