Mahathir and Jokowi talk about the maturity of democracy


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad talks about democracy in Southeast Asia when he meets President Joko Widodo at Bogor Palace

Mahathir admits to having observed the domestic politics of # 39; Indonesia. According to him, Indonesia's internal political problems are similar to those of Malaysia especially in general elections or major elections.

He praised the maturity of democracy in Indonesia. This is evident from the impact of party democracy.

"If you want to practice democracy, we have to accept the essence of the competition, you have to win and lose," said Mahathir in Lotus Room, Bogor Palace, Friday 29/6.

According to him, the maturity of democracy can accept defeat and not riot. Conversely, unrest usually occurs after political protest in a new or immature country of democracy.

"One problem we see in the new democracies is that they just do not want to lose if they lose demonstrations and riots after the elections," said the young man. 92 years old

. Some time ago, Malaysia, which apparently did not produce riots after the vote count.

"In fact, we are not very competent in Malaysia, but we can win and there is no problem as a result of this victory," Mahathir said. to receive the victory.

He hopes that Indonesia's domestic policy and democratic system will be able to develop better, especially on the eve of elections

"If a strong and clean government is not a problem, we now want to secure the democratic system. " ugo)

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