Mahfud: everything must be ready to wait for the calls of history


Mahfud says never discuss Vice President with Jokowi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEMARANG – The former President of the Constitutional Court Mahfud MD has baderted, until here never discussed vice- President candidate (Vice President) with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Mahfud said that communication with Jokowi was only related to his duties as a member of the Pancasila Ideology Development Board (BPIP). "Up to now, I have never spoken to the presidential election with Pak Jokowi and Pak Jokowi," he told Semarang. Asked about Vice President Jokowi

Mahfud confessed that his communication with President Jokowi was intense, but not in the context of the 2019 presidential election, but as a board member. administration of the Pancasila Ideology Development Board (BPIP). "As a BPIP member, I often meet him regularly and meet," he said.

As an expert, figure of the birth of Sampang (Association of Islamic Students) Alumni of the Association of Muslim Students (KAHMI) On May 13, 1957, President Jokowi invited him and consulted him frequently, including in his capacity as manager in various fields, such as the leaders of the Cipayung group. However, it is baderted by the constitutional law professor of the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta that during this time has never discussed the presidential election when meeting President Jokowi even less by communicating with the political party. If the vice president, I really do not know where, just look at the development, it is only in three weeks, "he said.

In fact, questioned about the preparations made when he was appointed vice president accompanied by Jokowi Pilpres 2019, Mahfud said not to do any preparation because not necessarily also selected. "All the Indonesian people must be ready to wait for any historic appeal, but if I am specifically vice-president, I do not do anything because it is not necessarily chosen," said Abdurrahman's defense minister. Wahid

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Earlier, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) named Mahfud MD, Master Bajang Zainul Majdi and Airlangga Hartarto, was on the candidate list vice -presidential that would accompany it. Jokowi said the names are currently being drafted by the coalition parties.

"Enter, but should I understand that my pocket is not one," Jokowi said in Pancoran, Jakarta, Monday, July 16. ] Jokowi said that he always met the party chairman to discuss his vice presidential election later. "Yes I continue to meet the party presidents almost every day except the number of closed," he said.

Various proposals would also be obtained from the president of the party supporters of the coalition. However, he reiterated that the names of the vice-president will still be brewed.

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