Makin Mesra, Dimas Anggara and Nadine Chandrawinata Download recent videos on the beach


TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM – The couple Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara are now showing more and more their affection in social media.

That's what they do after a cat-kucingan.

Both Nadine and Dimas do not hesitate more and more to download their moments together in Instagram social media accounts respectively.

They also regularly upload photos together at different locations since early June 2018.

Their intimacy is also visible from the short video uploaded Sunday Dimas Anggara @dimsanggara (28/06/2018).

Located on the beach, Nadine and Dimas look so intimate.

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The intimacy between them also makes the warganet who saw him become a baper.

This can be seen from the comment written by the warganet in the downloaded comment field.

Watch the following videos:

"AIR unites love to happiness," Dimas writes in the download.

Previously, the news of Nadine and Dimas will get married in the near future and be photographed before the wedding.

However, Nadine or Dimas did not provide clarification. (*)

This article was broadcast on under the title Mesranya Dimas Anggara and Nadine Chandrawinata in their latest uploaded videos

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