MAKJLEB BANGET, here is the answer of the little child of Daus when the little posture his father was Trickled


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MAKJLEB BANGET, Here is the answer of the little Daus Mini when the little posture of his father Diledek

TRIBUNSUMSEL.COM- Found in the issue of Tendean, South Jakarta, Tuesday (26/6/2018), Daus Mini tells the story of his son

Ivander Haykal Firdaus, the name of Daus's son, is now 6 years old.

When the media discovered, Daus had revealed an interesting story about his son.

Haykal is often teased by his friends because he has a father who has a "small" body posture.

Rather than embarrbadment, Haykal's answer when he is teased about the affair creates a proud Daus

"Ever kok time temennya already said" Ical Daus Mini-Father yes?,

yes why indeed, my artist's grandfather can go on TV?

Precisely like that can be the motivation for kids like, so do not you feel not inferior if his father loves us (19659003) Do not feel inferior, even our highest children encourage even the spirit of love for children.

Do not feel inferior, the children become insecure, do not meet, says Daus Read the information on
MAKJLEB BANGET, Here is the answer of Little Daus Child when Little Posture his father Diledek


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