Manipulated alleged Makassar election recap, Panwaslu will check the KPU president


MAKASSAR, – Viral, poll data resume The Sulawesi elections allegedly manipulated have circulated widely in social media.

Pemilas Pemilu (Panwaslu) The city of Makbadar immediately sent a summons to Makbadar President KPU Sharif Amir.

The recovered data allegedly manipulated are the C1 data of the original vote result with the C1 data of the allegedly false vote. The content of C1 data is different from the result of the vote, while the location of the TPS is the same.

Various responses from web users concerning allegedly manipulated data. There is a pro and there is a counter, which causes agitation in the community.

The plan, the chairman of KPU Makbadar Syarif Amir will be examined by Panwaslu on Saturday (30/6/2018) around 08:00 Wita.

"Yes, Panwaslu Makbadar sent a summons to the KPU of Makbadar.Montreal director of the planned inspection of Makbadar KPU around 8:00 am Wita.The agenda of the examination related to many C1 letters allegedly manipulated widely broadcast in social media, "said President Panwaslu Makbadar, Nursari when it was confirmed Friday night (29/06/2018).

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Meanwhile, Pemuda Pancasil's Makbadar Pilkada Monitoring Agency will also report suspected manipulation cases up to Pancasila also warned Makbadar KPU not to play the election results Pilkada Makbadar

"I remind the KPU not to play with the vote of the people in the elections of Makbadar. I also remind Panwaslu to further improve his supervision and to perform his duties well by escorting the Makbadar elections, "said Pemuda Pancasila of South Sulawesi, Adi Rasyid Ali at a press conference on Friday. 29/06/2018.

"We have data, photos, videos in all polling stations in the city of Makbadar. There have been some voting results in the amended GST and this case will be reported to Panwaslu Makbadar. Our data are complete, everything we will submit to Panwaslu, "he threatened.

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