Many artists supported, Tio Pakusadewo: Alhamdulillah Still many believe that I can be good


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Actor Tio Pakusadewo (54) regained the full support of other celebrities of the country, Thursday, June 28, 2018. At that time, Tio Pakusadewo attended a trial for drug trafficking. He writes to the South Jakarta District Court, Cilandak, South Jakarta.

Jajang C Noer, Donny Damara, Jefri Nichol, Wulan Guritno, Baim Wong and his girlfriend are personalities present in court
. The filmmaker's parent Bibir Mer is already waiting for the arrival of Tio from Cipinang Detention Center (Rutan), East Jakarta.

They wear uniform shirts. The shirt is written with hastag #BERSAMATYOPAKUSADEWO, # pakepasal127aja, and # tyo4rehab.

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  Tio Pakusadewo arrived at the South Jakarta District Court, Jalan Ampera Raya, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Thursday (28/6/2018).
Tio Pakusadewo arrived at the South Jakarta District Court, Jalan Ampera Raya, Cilandak, South Jakarta, Thursday (28/06/2018). There was a kiss on his cheek. (WARTA KOTA / ARIE PUJI WALUYO)

The gray, orange and white t-shirts were printed a lot by people close to Tio.

When Tio arrived at the South Jakarta District Court around 13:35 WIB, he was immediately warmly greeted by relatives, friends and badociate artists.

Tio seemed happy to see people supporting him in solving the legal problems he confided

"Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah .. There are still many people who believe that I can be good," says Tio Pakusadewo (19659002) It was reported earlier that Tio Pakusadewo was arrested by the Jakarta police officer while he was in his residence at Jalan Ampera 1 Complex of Supreme Court No. 38, Ampera, South Jakarta, Tuesday (12/19/2017) around 23:15

It was found to buy four klib sabu from a woman named Vina for 1.5 million Rp.
Tio bought the shabu on Saturday 16 December 2017 from Vina who drove her to Tio's home.

Read: VIDEO: Goddess called Tio Pakusadewo worthy of rehabilitation because of mental disorders

Read: Tio Pakusadewo Supporting artists from the floods, from Jeffri Nichol until Wulan GuritnO came to court

Later, Tio consumes the shabu Sunday, December 17, 2017.

Upon arrest, police confiscated evidence such as shabu with bong, cangklong, gas lighters, and a mobile unit.

On the case, Tio blocked article 114 jo 112 127 verse 1 jo of section 132 of the Narcotics Act

He was charged with six years in prison and Rupees 800 million rupees fined by the South Jakarta public prosecutor

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