Many do not understand, that's how simple Time Skiding braking tips


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Many do not understand that it is the simple way to curb time Skutik

TRIBUNSUMSEL.COM Lots do not understand it's the easy way Skutik Brake Tips

Skutik has become the most famous motor option of this era

Although many have worn, many people have not been able to … 39, have not mastered the technique of braking skutik The safety instructor of Honda DAM Aldea Henry reveals, many of riders who wore only skutik .

In the sense of not understanding how the brake tips that not.n

"As a result, the brakes do not work to the maximum, further possibly causing an accident." In addition to the condition of the brake that is not considered, many causes caused by an improper habit of braking time, "said Aldea quoted from

Special skutik, because the biggest load is at 39. the rear of the vehicle, a greater pressure comes (19659005) Generally skutik users only brake with the brake before

Aldea explained, for the manufacturers to make the braking technology as the combi brake.

braking power is divided forward and backward Information on
Many do not understand that it is the simple way to curb time Skutik


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