Many Passenger Ferry Passengers Fight in Selayar Pinned by Car


– South Sulawesi Police Head of Public Relations, Earl Dicky Sondani revealed that many pbadengers of the Lestari Maju ferry are stuck in a car to avoid sinking of the boat when they want to dock at the port of Pamatata, regency of Selayar. 7/2018).

"A lot of pbadengers are being squeezed by a car that is on the boat, because the boat has been shaken.Many pbadengers are thrown off the ship and some jump deliberately for fear of being stuck in a car", said Dicky

Dicky explains that the ship is shaken because of the amount of water coming into the hull of the ship, not to mention the bad weather, the high waves striking the ship.

It also reads: The Ferryboat in Selayar, 24 killed, 74 congratulations, 41 still sought

"At that time, the height of the waves reached 2 meters more. So when there is a leak in the hull of the ship, the water came in and was hit by high waves. The ship was fragile, "he said.

To avoid the sinking of the ship, continued Dicky, the KM KM Lestari Maju shallow and deliberately destroy the ship on the reef so as not to drown.

"For the moment, KM Lestari Maju has suffered a leak of the hull.For the exact cause, the KNKT will investigate.We, from the South Sulawesi Police, have also sent the DVI Biddokkes team. in the district of Selayar, "he added.

Read also: Ferry Ship duped, viral video allegedly Rp 30 billion money scattered in the sea

Previously reported, Lestari Maju Ferry serving the crossing to the port of Bira, Bulukumba District at Pamatata Harbor, Selayar District, South Sulawesi sank Tuesday (3/7/2018) afternoon carrying 139 pbadengers.

A total of 139 pbadengers are registered in the manifest. In addition to 139 pbadengers, the ship carries 14 private cars, 6 bus or truck units, 8 motorcycle units

In addition to carrying 139 pbadengers and dozens of vehicles, KM Lestari Maju would also have a cash of 30 billion of Rp. Rp 30 billion is held by the Regional Development Bank (BPD) for the payment of the salary of 13 officials.

Kompas TV The joint SAR team began deploying to evacuate the victims of the crossing (F, B, E, V, N, T, S ) if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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