Marak Hoaks kidnaps kids on social media, that's the call of the police

[ad_1], Jakarta – Recently, the public was shocked by the issue of child abduction in various regions through social media. The national police said the kidnapping of the child was a hoax.

"This is a hoax, this has been clarified by the Siberian National Police team.Until now, the police have received no public information regarding the kidnapping problem." said police chief of the information bureau of the Department of Public Relations Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo, once confirmed, Jakarta, Sunday (28/10/2018).

The National Police urges citizens to respond more intelligently to information, videos and images broadcast on social media. The community is also encouraged not to disseminate information that is not yet clear.

"If you have any doubt, please clarify and confirm with the nearest police, so the information is so sorry, most hoaks," he said.

The one-star general also asked the community not to do itself justice when it finds suspicious people. In addition, rumors circulate that, on average, the kidnappers pretend to be crazy.

"If you see someone who is suspicious, you should report it to the nearest officer, the police, or the president of the RT / RW." Do not take self-defense measures, because it would hurt all parties, "said Dedi.

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