Marak Jambret, the Metropolitan Police Demands a Full Month of Razia – VIVA


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VIVA – The Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Idham Azis, reiterates that his subordinates do not hesitate to give measurable measures to street criminals such as the jambret, which put the community in danger. The action of the culprits in Jakarta before the 2018 Asian Games has been very troubling.

"I have also asked the entire team not to hesitate to take firm action if the attackers endanger the community and threaten the lives of the officers." at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, July 4, 2018.

Responding to endemic crime scenes lately, Idham has ordered his staff to conduct a full month of operation in July. The operation was carried out by all elements ranging from Polda to Polsek in the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya

"I ordered all the invisible lords to conduct this thuggish raid, be it the problem from jambret, begal, then curas, to crossroads, shopping malls, to keep the situation in order for Jakarta to be safe and under control. "

As is known, the business of d & # 39; aggression took place in the Jakarta area and worried the public. Call it a case of aggression that hit the Directorate General of the Ministry of Construction of the PUPR, Syarief Burhanudin

Then there is also a case of GrabBike pbadenger aggression named Warsilah (37) . The victim died while falling from the engine during the badault

Prior to this incident, a man named Robertus Soutwell Candle Hartono was a victim of a prison in the Pondok Indah area, south of Jakarta . (ase)

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