Marcelo Injury, Timnas Brasil Blame Mattress Hotel


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Marcelo's left-back suffered a back injury when the Brazilian national team won 2-0 against Serbia in the last Group E match [19659002] 2018 World Cup at Spartak Stadium Thursday 28/6) early in the morning. The hotel mattress located in the city of Moscow, where the squad of Brazilian stays is called the cause.

In the match, Marcelo was retired in the 10th minute after stumbling with an occasional grip on his waist. Marcelo was eventually replaced by Filipe Luis.

The doctor of the Brazilian national team, Rodrigo Lasmar, also noted that the mattress of the hotel Selecao remains the main factor of tension in the back of Marcelo. Lasmar believes that the hotel mattress is softer to hurt Marcelo

Lasmar is optimistic Marcelo may be fit for the last 16 of the match against Mexico at Samara Arena stadium Monday (2/7) night . "Marcelo only played 10 minutes before being replaced by Filipe Luis against Serbia. “/> Marcelo only played 10 minutes before being replaced by Filipe Luis against the Serbia (REUTERS / Carl Recine)

"It is still too early to make an accurate diagnosis. Malcelo's injury may be related to hotel mattresses, "said Lasmar from AS Rodrigo Lasmar suspects Marcelo's injury because of the hotel's too soft mattress “/> Rodrigo Lasmar suspects Marcelo's injury due to the hotel's too soft mattress. (AFP PHOTO / MAURO PIMENTEL)

Lasmar explains that as long as there is no such thing 39; indication of serious injury, he will continue to take care of Marcelo and prepare the player born in Rio de Janeiro for the next match

"Marcelo is neat and treatment is a good answer. he can play, "said Lasmar.

  Marcelo Injuries, the Brazilian national team blamed the mattress of the hotel

" The important thing is that it does not matter. There is no injury, he only has muscle spasms. immediately ready to play.No recovery period, "says Lasmar.

Nevertheless Marcelo still shows a cheerful atmosphere in social media to dispel the fears of absences in the next match.

"Thanks for all the messages In the near future I will be back Thank you God nothing serious, very happy for the victory," said Marcelo of The Sun . (bac)

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