Maria Ozawa Upset, again a fun evening attended by immigration staff, spent two hours in front of the photos by invitation


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – The former movie star Maria Maria or known as Miyabi has experienced an unpleasant incident during her Bali vacation.

Miyabi, who currently resides in the Philippines, was interrogated by immigration officers for two hours before she was finally released.

MIyabi related this unpleasant experience to her Instagram account on Wednesday (11/07/2018).

Miyabi has posted news of her at the Indonesian News Agency. In the information column, Ozawa wrote his complaint.

"I'm sure most of you are now aware of the horrible experience that I experienced yesterday around 11 pm at Bali, Indonesia's immigration," wrote Miyabi.

"I am sure most of you are now aware of the terrible experience that I experienced yesterday around 11 am in Bali, about immigration to Indonesia," he said. Indonesian.

Miyabi said that at that time she had come to attend the birthday of her friend. But suddenly the immigration officer came to him.

Read: While playing in Bali, Maria Ozawa aka Miyabi is even called by the Immigration Office

Read: Friends are disappointed with the rude words of immigration agents to Maria Ozawa. I'm embarrbaded!

"I was attending the birthday party of my good friend Barbie Nouva and the party was ending, and I needed to see my pbadport and as cheesy as it sounds I did not see it. not "I want to show it to them and at the next second, they drop," saying anything with my pbadport … !!!, "continued Miyabi.

"I attended the birthday party of my good friend Barbie Nouva and when the party was over, two people suddenly came to me and told me that I was not happy. they were immigrants and they needed to see my pbadport, I find it ridiculous, and the second that followed, they ran away without saying anything with my pbadport … !!! "

This then caused Miyabi to panic. "We all panicked, we called people, canceled the party and went straight to the immigration office."

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