Marini Zumarnis Problem of Tak Mau Suudzon Inneke Koesherawati – VIVA


VIVA – Actress Marini Zumarnis admitted today that she could not contact her friend Inneke Koesherawati, who had problems with KPK following a corruption scandal involving her husband, detained at Sukamiskin Prison in Bandung. Marini was not able to hear directly about the work that has happened to a woman who has become her friend for 20 years.

"Yes, I heard the news that I was as surprised, but baseball can first suudzon What happened? "Marini said at a meeting at Supermal Karawaci Tangerang, Sunday, July 22, 2018.

Inneke" secure "Corruption Eradication Commission team. He was examined as a witness of an operation case in hand at Sukamiskin Prison, Bandung. Inneke was "picked up" at his home in Menteng on the morning of July 21, 2018.

With a busy newcomer, Marini remained as good as ever. He believes that his best friend is a good person who can take the exams. Prayer is always dedicated to Marini's Inneke

"I am always a friend who prays for her, because we reinforce each other and I am sure that Inneke is a good person," he said [19659006]. It's just that he has not reacted excessively and has been waiting for Inneke to take some quiet time.

"I watching I was shocked as well as a shocked companion, my God also did not know what news". (Ren)

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